Bus routes to be diverted on Höyrylaivantie in Espoonlahti from 12 September

Bus routes 149, 162, 163 and 165 will be diverted on Höyrylaivantie in Espoonlahti from Thursday 12 September. The buses will serve the "Espoonlahdenportti" (E4004) stop.

The buses will run to Espoonlahdenkatu via Höyrylaivantie and Ulappakatu. The buses will serve the "Espoonlahdenportti" (E4004) stop.

The buses will not serve Espoonlahdenranta between Espoonlahdenkatua and Höyrylaivantie.

The diversion is due to construction work and it is expected to remain in place for about seven weeks.

Kuva bussien poikkeusreitistä.