Participate and have your say: complete the travel survey for Itäkeskus, Puotila and Mellunmäki!

How well do bus routes in Itäkeskus, Puotila and Mellunmäki meet your needs? Tell us what you think by completing our travel survey by 28 November.

How well do bus routes in Itäkeskus, Puotila and Mellunmäki meet your needs? In your opinion, how should public transport in the area be improved? Tell us what you think by completing our travel survey by 28 November.

Link to the survey 

The survey takes only five to ten minutes to complete. Complete the survey and have your say on bus services in your area.

Thank you in advance!

We are interested in journeys starting or ending in Itäkeskus, Myllypuro, Kontula, Kivikko, Mellunmäki, Puotila or Vartioharju.

We are reviewing in particular bus routes 92, 94, 94A, 95, 97 and 97V as they have remained unchanged for a long time. We want to ensure that our services meet customers’ needs as well as possible also in the future.

Your opinion is important to us: best public transport services are created when the services are planned together with customers. We hope you could take a moment to complete the survey even if you do not currently use public transport or if you think that public transport does not meet your travel needs.
We will publish the survey results on our website. We will use the results to develop bus services in the area.

Ответьте на анкету опросника по использованию общественного транспорта в районе Итякескус-Меллунмяки-Пуотила

Насколько хорошо Вас обслуживают автобусные линии 92, 94, 94A, 95, 97 и 97V? Как, по Вашему мнению, следует улучшить общественный транспорт в этом районе? Пожалуйста, предоставьте свои ответы в опроснике об использовании общественного транспорта, который будет открыт до 28.11.

Ka jawaab xograadinta dhaqdhaqaaqa ee deegaanka Itäkeskus-Mellunmäki-Puotila

Sidee ayeey basaska 92, 94, 94A, 95, 97 iyo 97V ee deegaanka ka shaqeeya adiga kuugu adeegaan? Sidee ayeey kula tahay in loo hagaajin karo gaadiidka dadweynaha ee deegaanka ka shaqeeya? Noo gu sheeg jawaabtaada xorgaadinteena dhaqdhaqaaqa o fuean illaa iyo 28.11.2021.

أجب على استبيان التنقل بالمواصلات العامة لمنطقة إيتاكيسكوس - ميلّونماكي – بووتيلا