A trains resume a reduced service from about 5pm

A trains were cancelled on Tuesday afternoon due to severe weather conditions. The services resumed around 5pm and the trains are operating a reduced service until about 6.30pm. The trains run every 20 minutes.

A trains were cancelled on Tuesday afternoon due to severe weather conditions. The services resumed around 5pm and the trains are operating a reduced service until about 6.30pm. The trains run every 20 minutes.A-junaliikenne on ollut peruutettuna tiistai-iltapäivällä vaikeiden sääolosuhteiden vuoksi. 

From Helsinki, A trains depart at 3, 23 and 43 minutes past the hour until 6.15pm

From Leppävaara, A trains depart at 6, 26 and 46 minutes past the hour until 6.40pm