Thalianaukio bus stop in Pohjois-Haaga to be temporarily relocated on 20 May

The “Thalianaukio” bus stop in Pohjois-Haaga will be temporarily moved some 100 meters over to Aino Acktén tie on Friday 20 May.

The “Thalianaukio” bus stop in Pohjois-Haaga will be temporarily moved some 100 meters over to Aino Acktén tie on Friday 20 May. The change will affect trunk bus route 40 to Kannelmäki, route 41 to Pohjois-Haaga station, route 52 to Kuninkaantammi, route 53 to Uusmäki and route 56 to Kannelmäki station. In addition, the change will affect neighborhood route 31 to Pohjois-Haaga. The reason for the relocation is road work. The stop is estimated to remain in the temporary location until Friday 17 June.

Karttakuva Thalianaukio siirrosta