Night bus service 67N to run to both directions along the same route via Maunula from 20 June

As of 20 June, night bus 67N Railway Square (Rautatientori) – Maunula – Pakila – Torpparinmäki will serve the same route also in the opposite direction from Torpparinmäki to the city center via Länsi-Pakila and Maunula.

As of 20 June, night bus 67N Railway Square (Rautatientori) – Torpparinmäki will serve the same route also in the opposite direction, that is, to the city center via Länsi-Pakila and Maunula. This means that the bus will no longer serve the section on Tuusulanväylä. The aim of the change is to achieve a clearer route network for night buses and to provide service to both directions along the same route.

Linjan 67N reittimuutos