Changes to the timetables for bus route 173Z from 20 March

There will be changes to the timetables for bus route 173, Matinkylä-Kirkkonummi-Upinniemi, from 20 March.

Morning peak services on bus route 173Z will be brought forward by a few minutes from Monday 20 March.

The changes are:

From Matinkylä

6.59am -> 6.58am
7.31am  -> 7.30am
8.01am -> 8am

From Upinniemi

6.59am -> 6.57am
7.28am -> 7.25am
7.58am -> 7.55am
8.29am -> 8.27am
8.59am -> 8.57am
9.30am -> 9.28am

The new timetables are already available in the Journey Planner. Remember to use a search date after 20 March. Timetables in PDF format are available in Printable timetables.