Cheaper journeys for people aged 70 or over with a new season tickets from 14 January onwards

Our new ticket prices will take effect on 14 January, at which point our ticket range will also be updated. One new ticket available for purchase will be a season ticket for those aged 70 or over, which can be obtained at a 45 per cent discount on the normal adult season ticket price.

Season tickets enable unlimited travel at all times at a low cost.

  • For example, a 30-day AB ticket for people aged 70+ will cost EUR 34.50, which means that it will be more economical than single tickets if you make more than six return journeys a month.
  • If you buy in one go an AB ticket for the whole year, you will get it for EUR 29 per month, which amounts to less than EUR 1 per day.

The discount single ticket for those aged 70 or over (available 9am–2pm) will be withdrawn with the introduction of the discount season ticket.

If you have turned 70 – or will be turning 70 before mid-January – and you intend to buy a long-term season ticket, it is worth waiting until 14 January before you purchase it. In this way, you can take advantage of the cheapest prices.

How to buy a 70+ season ticket on your HSL card at a discounted price

  1. If you have previously purchased discounted single tickets or value tickets with your HSL card, you do not have to do anything. Your HSL card already entitles you to a discount on the purchase of a season ticket.
  2. Change the customer group on your HSL card to 70+ if you have not already done so. The change can be made at HSL service points at the Helsinki Central Railway Station or in Itäkeskus.
  3. Once your HSL card is set for the correct customer group, you can load the season ticket onto your HSL card at a discounted price from 14 January onwards using either the online HSL card service ( or our ticket machines, or at one of our sales points.
  4. If you are unsure whether your HSL card entitles you to the discount, please call our customer service on 09 4766 4000.

How to buy a 70+ season ticket at a discounted price using the HSL app

  1. Download the HSL app from your phone's app store. More information about the app
  2. Complete the strong authentication, for example, using your online banking credentials. This allows us to verify that you are entitled to the discount for those aged 70 or over.
  3. If you have already strongly authenticated in the app, you do not have to do anything extra, but can simply buy a discounted 70+ season ticket from 14 January onwards.
  4. You can buy season tickets as one-off purchase for 30, 60 or 90 days or you can set up an auto-renewing subscription, which is automatically valild on your app and the price of the ticket is charged to your debit/credit card every 30 days.