Bus route 724 to be rerouted to run between Päiväkumpu and Tikkurila from 16 August

There will be many changes to bus routes at the start of the autumn timetable season, 16 August. Bus route 724 will in the future run from Tikkurila via Jokiniemi and Havukoski to Päiväkumpu. In other words, the bus will no longer run from Tikkurila to the Railway Square in Helsinki. A new bus route, 721, will provide links from Havukoski to Helsinki. Bus route 724N will be withdrawn.

Bus route 724 will in the future run from Tikkurila via Jokiniemi and Havukoski to Päiväkumpu. In other words, the bus will no longer run from Tikkurila to the Railway Square in Helsinki. A new route, 721, will provide links from Havukoski to Helsinki. Bus route 724N will be withdrawn. 

New route and stops of bus 724 in the Journey Planner:


Tikkurila Travel Center–Päiväkumpu


The new routes and timetables are already available in the Journey Planner.

Read more about the changes taking place in August at Lahdenväylä bus routes 2021