Lahdenväylä bus routes 2021
Background to the changes
Currently, bus services in East Vantaa comprise a number of bus routes that have designated service areas but not necessarily have a clear role in the route network. In the new route network, bus routes have clearer roles, as well as more even headways, enabling smoother transfers.
More frequent feeder services
In the future, there will be more frequent feeder services to Tikkurila, Korso and Koivukylä stations. Services will be reduced on some routes with low number of boardings. Even after the changes the level of service in these areas will be good considering the number of boardings, as walking distances to the closest stop will remain short.
Night bus network will be adjusted to correspond the daytime routes. After 11pm, services will be provided to the key housing areas from Tikkurila and the Railway Square in Helsinki.
Resident engagement
Residents participated in the planning on the website for the route network plan and through residents’ meetings. Residents also provided feedback on the plan. Residents were able to comment on the draft route network plan online, by email and in two residents’ meetings in fall 2017.
Based on the feedback we received, we revised the plan by speeding up route 721 serving Päiväkumpu and by shortening the peak time headways to 10 minutes. A new route 724 from Päiväkumpu to Tikkurila via Havukoski was established to serve school journeys and bus 711 was rerouted to go closer to Kuusikko.
Changes to existing routes and new bus routes
New bus routes, their route maps as well as typical headways on different days of the week and at different times are listed below. You can view the routes and stops also on the route map for the area (a separate PDF file).