The routes of buses 212 and 213N will change in Laajalahti and Perkkaa. The buses will run from Turunväylä via the Vermonsolmu intersection, Tarvaspääntie, Itsehallintotie, Säterinkatu, Linnoitustie, Kurkijoentie and Kirvuntie to Turvesuontie and then continue along their current routes in the direction of Kauniainen and Espoon keskus. The new route of buses 212 and 213N will serve especially commuter travel needs from the direction of Helsinki to the employment areas in southern Leppävaara. The buses will serve the “Kirvunristi” stop at the junction of Kirvuntie and Turvesuontie, which will also improve services in southern Laajalahti.
Bus route 113, which currently runs via Perkkaa, will be rerouted to run via Friisinmäki. The new route will run via Turvesuontie and Turveradantie to Friisinmäentie and further to Leppävaara. The change will enable a service to the Bredis retail park.
The southern terminus of bus 202 will be relocated from Nuijala to Vermonniitty. From there, the bus will run via Vermontie, Itsehallintiotie, Säterinkatu, Alberganesplanadi, Leppävaarankatu and Hevosenkenkä to Leppävaara station. Bus 202 will provide services from Vermonniitty and Perkkaa for instance to the Monikko school centre and the Leppävaara Sports Park.
In the future, in addition to light rail 15, the area of Perkkaa will be served by bus routes 202, 212, 213N and 502. Bus 502 will continue to run via Majurinkatu. Buses 212 and 213N will provide a direct service from Perkkaa to Kamppi on weekdays. The routes will also provide a direct service from downtown Helsinki to the employment areas of Säteri and Perkkaa. Additionally, the new route 523, Westendinasema-Tapiola-Leppävaara, will provide passengers with fast services from Leppävaara to Tapiola via Ring I.
The changes are part of a larger project to modify bus routes in Leppävaara and Tapiola.