X trains to become Y trains from 2 April

Starting from 2 April, we will make train services to Siuntio faster by merging all X trains into Y trains. The Y trains will not serve all the intermediate stations.

In order to enable faster services, all X trains to Siuntio will become Y trains. The Y trains will not serve the intermediate stations between Leppävaara and Espoon keskus and between Masala and Kirkkonummi. You can use E and U trains to travel to the intermediate stations. In the evenings, a U train will depart from Helsinki for Siuntio at 11.12pm. The service will replace the previous L train.

In addition, we will increase the number of bus services between Kirkkonummi and Siuntio from two to four on Saturdays and Sundays. This change will take effect at the start of summer service.

The new timetables for Y trains are already available in the Journey Planner.

The changes are a part of a larger whole with the purpose of improving public transport services during 2024. The improvements will mostly affect evening and weekend services. The aim is to facilitate leisure journeys. More information on the changes.