Metro services to East Helsinki to be replaced by buses 17–25 July

Metro services will be disrupted for over a week this summer, from 17 to 25 July. The metro will only run between Matinkylä and Kulosaari, i.e. there will be no metro services from Kulosaari eastwards. Metro stations in East Helsinki will be served by replacement buses 99B, 99V and 99M from the Railway Square.

Metro services will be disrupted for over a week this summer, from 17 to 25 July. The metro will only run between Matinkylä and Kulosaari, i.e. there will be no metro services from Kulosaari eastwards. Metro stations in East Helsinki will be served by replacement buses 99B, 99V and 99M from the Railway Square (Rautatientori). The disruption is due to the replacement of Kipparlahti metro bridge in Herttoniemi. The bridge completed in 1972 will be demolished and replaced by a new bridge.

During the service disruption, metro stations to the east of Herttoniemi will be closed. Bus terminals at metro stations will be open as usual. We advise passengers to buy tickets using the HSL app or the HSL card online top up. Use the sales point search to find sales points (e.g. stores and kiosks) close to the stations.

This page has been updated with more detailed information about the replacement buses on 9 July.


Metro replacement buses from the Railway Square to East Helsinki

The replacement buses will take the fastest route to East Helsinki via Sörnäisten rantatie and Itäväylä.

We advise passengers to change from the metro to the replacement buses at the Railway Square, in Hakaniemi or in Kalasatama. The buses to East Helsinki will operate with the same operating hours as the metro. With the exception of early morning and late evening, the buses will run every 5 minutes. The timetables and routes of the replacement buses will be available on the Journey Planner closer to the dates.

The buses have open fare collection, i.e. passengers can board the buses using the middle doors. If you have a valid ticket, you do not need to show it to the driver. Bicycles are not allowed on the replacement buses.

99B via Herttoniemi Metro Station to Itäkeskus

Rautatientori – Hakaniemi – Kalasatama – Herttoniemi (metro station) – Itäkeskus

Route and timetables of the bus on the Journey Planner:

99B Rautatientori-Itäkeskus
99B Itäkeskus-Rautatientori

99V to Vuosaari

Rautatientori – Hakaniemi – Kalasatama – Herttoniemi (Itäväylä) – Itäkeskus – Vuosaari

Route and timetables of the bus on the Journey Planner:

99V Rautatientori-Vuosaari
99V Vuosaari-Rautatientori

99M to Mellunmäki

Rautatientori – Hakaniemi – Kalasatama – Herttoniemi (Itäväylä) – Itäkeskus – Mellunmäki

Route and timetables of the bus on the Journey Planner:

99M Rautatientori-Mellunmäki
99M Mellunmäki-Rautatientori

Other bus services to East Helsinki

In addition to the replacement buses, there are also other alternatives. For example, trunk route buses run from Itäkeskus via Herttoniemi to Kalasatama and from Rastila via Vuosaari and Mellunmäki to Kontula. Use the Journey Planner to find other alternative bus services.


Trunk route 560 runs from Rastila via Vuosaari and Mellunmäki to Kontula and Malmi, from where you can continue to Helsinki city center by train. Please note, that there will also be service changes to commuter trains due to track work over the summer.

500 and 510

Trunk routes 500 and 510 run from Itäkeskus/Herttoniemi to Pasila station, from where you can continue to Helsinki city center by train. You can also get off at the Junatie stops located at the junction of Junatie and Aleksis Kiven katu, about 400 meters from the Sörnäinen Metro Station.

Metro replacement buses and changes to bus stops by station

Railway Square (Rautatientori)

Metro replacement buses 99V to Vuosaari and 99M to Mellunmäki will depart from bay 8. Metro replacement bus 99B via Herttoniemi Metro Station to Itäkeskus will depart from bay 7.

There will also be changes to the departure bays of other bus services. The changes are shown on the map. See a separate release for details.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement bus 99B via Herttoniemi Metro Station to Itäkeskus, bus 99V to vuosaari and bus 99M to Mellunmäki will depart from bay 21 at Hakaniemenranta, on the market square side of Hakaniemi. Night buses to East Helsinki use the same stop. Metro replacement buses to the Railway Square will depart from bay 20.

There will also be changes to the departure bays of other bus services. During the disruption to Metro services to East Helsinki, buses 616-643 will depart from Hakaniemenkatu, slightly further away from the station. Their departure stop is shown on the map below and the information is also available on the Journey Planner.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement bus 99B via Herttoniemi Metro Station to Itäkeskus, bus 99V to Vuosaari and bus 99M to Mellunmäki will depart from bay 1 on Itäväylä. Access to the stop from the eastbound platform is via escalators or a lift to the Redi shopping center. Follow the signage through the shopping center to bay 1. Bus 16 to Korkeasaari, eastbound trunk bus routes 500 and 510 as well as night bus routes to East Helsinki use the same stop.

Metro replacement buses to the Railway Square will depart from bay 2 on the other side of Itäväylä.

Both bays can also be accessed from Kalasatamankatu.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement bus 99B via Herttoniemi Metro Station to Itäkeskus, bus 99V to Vuosaari and bus 99M to Mellunmäki will depart from the “Tupasaari” (H4003) stop on Itäväylä. Access to the stop from the metro station is via Svinhufvudintie. Eastbound trunk bus routes 500 and 510 as well as night bus routes to East Helsinki use the same stop.

Metro replacement buses to the Railway Square will depart from the “Tupasaari” (H4002) stop on the other side of Itäväylä.

There will also be changes to bus route 81, 85N and 86N in Kulosaari and Herttoniemi. Bus 81 will not run via Kulosaari. Night bus routes 85N and 86N will run via Itäväylä instead of through the center of Kulosaari. See a separate release for details.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement buses 99V to Vuosaari and 99M to Mellunmäki will depart from bay 17, which is on the other side of Itäväylä (viewed from the station), between the Hertsi shopping center and the station. A number of night buses to East Helsinki use the same stop. Metro replacement bus 99B via Herttoniemi Metro Station to Itäkeskus will depart from bay 8 next to the station. The same stop is the terminus for buses serving Laasajalo and Roihuvuori.

Metro replacement buses to the Railway Square will use bays 12 (99B) and 16 (99V, 99M) along Itäväylä, close to entrance C to the station.

NB! There will also be changes to bus routes 81, 85N and 86N in Kulosaari and Herttoniemi. Bus 81 will not run via Kulosaari. Bus 81 towards Herttoniemenranta will depart from a stop in front of the Alepa grocery store (Hiihtomäentie 14). Night bus routes 85N and 86N will run via Itäväylä instead of through the center of Kulosaari in the direction of the city center. In addition, bus 85N will be diverted in Herttoniemenranta. See a separate release for details.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement bus 99B to Itäkeskus, bus 99V to Vuosaari and bus 99M to Mellunmäki will depart from  stop H4011 on the other side of Itäväylä. A number of night buses to East Helsinki use the same stop. Metro replacement buses to the Railway Square will depart from bay 1 on the Itäväylä slip road next to the station.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement bus 99V to Vuosaari will depart from bay 26 on the Itäväylä side of the station. Bus 99M to Mellunmäki will depart from bay 2 on the Turunlinnantie side of the station.
Metro replacement buses 99B/V/M to the Railway Square will depart from bay 30 on the Itäväylä side of the station.

There will also be changes to the departure stops for buses 54, 97/V and 801–805 at Itäkeskus Metro Station. The changes are shown on the map.  See a separate release for details.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Replacement bus 99M to Mellunkylä and bus 99V to Vuosaari both serve Puotila. The buses use stops at the junction of Turunlinnantie and Ring Road I (“Vanhanlinnatie” H4281 and “Korsholmantie” H4275 on route 99M and on Meripellontie (“Meripellontie” H4502 and “Rusthollarintie” H4501 on route 99V). Several regular bus services, for example, to Itäkeskus also serve the area.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement bus 99V to Vuosaari will depart from bay 4 on the Meri-Rastila side of Vuotie. Night buses 90A/N use the same stop. Metro replacement buses to the Railway Square will depart from bay 2 next to the station.

Alternatively, you can take trunk bus 560 from Rastila station to Vuosaari, Mellunmäki and Kontula.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement buses to the Railway Square will depart from a temporary stop next to bay 16 at the Aurinkolahti and health center end of the terminal.

Alternatively, you can take trunk bus 560 from Vuosaari station to Rastila, Mellunmäki and Kontula.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement bus 99M to Mellunmäki will depart from the “Liikuntamylly” stop H42887 on Ring Road I. Access to the stop from the station is via the underpass.

Metro replacement bus 99M to the Railway Square will use the “Liikuntamylly stop H4286 on the Liikuntamylly side of Ring Road I. The stop is also served by other buses to Itäkeskus.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement bus 99M to Mellunmäki will depart from bay 21 on the church side of Kontulantie, about 60 meters from the station. Access to the stop from the station is via the Kontulantie underpass. Bus 95 to Mellunmäki and trunk bus 560 to Mellunmäki, Vuosaari and Rastila use the same stop.

Metro replacement buses to the Railway Square will depart from bay 22 next to the station. Trunk bus 560 to Malmi uses the same stop.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.


Metro replacement buses to the Railway Square will depart from bay 15.

Alternatively, you can take trunk bus 560 from Vuosaari station to Rastila, Vuosaari and Kontula.

Tekstin mukaiset pysäkit kartalla. Linjatiedot myös Reittioppaassa.

Bussien 99B, 99V ja 99M reitit tekstin mukaan. Tekstin lisäksi reiteillä pysäkit Helsingin yliopistolla (Kaisaniemenpuisto), Sörnäisissä (Suvilahti), Kulosaaressa (Tupasaari), Siilitiellä, Puotilassa (Meripellontiellä ja Kehä I:sellä), Myllypurossa (Liikuntamylly), Kontulassa sekä Rastilassa.
Routes of the buses 99 along Sörnäisten rantatie, Itäväylä and Kehä I.